Monday, January 30, 2012

Tuesday MM - Day Six

Good Morning!

Faculty meeting Tomorrow!  Review your open space actions as we will continue to make a difference in our STEM education.  We also want to explore and coordinate our efforts for the PBIS celebration and the February 17th Mix-It-Up Day.

The adjusted schedule for Global studies is;
Andy/Jeff to Work with McNatt's class in her room
Mrs. Fidali will work with Ms. Newman in the media center for Allison's first grade class.

Mr. Guerra is out until Wednesday with a muscle injury.  Please let the office know of all custodial issues so we can address them.

Joey is here for Paige
Please join me in welcoming back Earline from her extended illness. 

Monday MM - Day 5

Good Morning!

Great weather ahead!  We all must focus on our Pre-correction of the behavior expectations for the playground and monitor for compliance.  Structured activities will teach students the proper actions and increase your monitoring to reinforce the children with our PBIS tools.

Our Global Studies teacher, Ms. Rodriguez, is in Mississippi at a Funeral for a friend.  We do not have the option to get her a sub, so we will cover her classes to the best of our abilities.  Today Andy and I will take McGee's class and Joel will do PE for Overby and Gray.  Joel will aslo double up with Phelps and Londono.  We will post Tuesday's adjustments on the blog tommorrow.

No sub for Mr Guerra
Jennifer Fisher for Earline
Michael Durr for Suzanne
Joey Stone for Paige

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday MM

Good Morning!  Below is some good information from Pam Hensdale in our HR Department about SubFinder.

While we seemed to notice a slight decrease in absences just before the holiday break, we are seeing a greater percentage of unfilled or failed to fill jobs as we move through the month. We've seen several instances of the following, and are hoping that with these reminders we can help to avert spikes in unfilled absences.

* LATE ABSENCE ENTRIES: At approximately 6pm last evening, there were a total of 2 open jobs. This morning by 9:30am, there were 23 unfilled jobs. Of the 23 jobs, only 3 were entered by the employee yesterday, and of those 3, 2 were entered at 11:50 pm - at least 2 hours after the evening callout period had concluded. The other 20 jobs were entered this morning, roughly between 1am and 9am. While those jobs entered between 10pm and 5:30 am were included in the entire morning callout period; they missed the critical evening call out period for last evening. Please urge your staff to input absences as early as possible in order to optimize the call out opportunities. The evening call out period begins at 4:30 pm and runs through 9:30 pm or so. Absences input during this time have the benefit of being called tonight as well as tomorrow. Absences entered after 5:30 am tomorrow will be improperly queued and may not receive the priority they would have, had the absences been entered earlier. We certainly understand that children (and adults) do not fall ill conveniently according to our schedules - but the more notice given through the system, the better the chance a sub will see the job and pick it up.

* AM/PM:We are still seeing start or end times with incorrect time designators. Remember - 12 AM is MIDNIGHT, 12 PM is NOON. We also sometimes see 11:30 pm listed as the end time for morning half-day jobs and etc. Please ask your staff members to double check their time and date entries so that "typo's" don't impact their otherwise good intentions. Also, ask your onsite substitute coordinators to check their open absences for such errors and make corrections so as to avoid a failed call out.

* SUB REQUESTED VS PRE-ARRANGED: Please encourage prearrangement of subs whenever possible. The "Sub Requested" function limits the calls to the 1 sub whose name was requested by the staff member. Multiple calls are made to the requested sub until that person acknowledges the call with either an acceptance or a rejection. With "Sub Requested", the system does not attempt to call other subs until the morning of the absence, unless the requested sub has made a decision to accept or reject. If the sub has indicated that s/he does not wish to be called, the system will not phone the sub...nor will it phone another sub until the morning of the job Similarly, if the system does phone the sub and reaches an answering machine, there is no way for the system to leave a message....and so very often a "Requested sub" does not know s/he is being asked to accept a position. The Sub Office has begun attempting to phone the requested subs directly and advising them of the job opportunities. We often have mixed results - sometimes learning that the sub has schedule conflicts; and sometimes getting an acceptance. At least by reaching out, the sub knows someone has requested him and can accept or decline the job and allow the system to search for other subs if necessary. Prearranging a sub is a much better method to use in ensuring your preferred substitute is onboard and ready to work. Reach out to the sub, verbally confirm the sub's availability, and then input the absence as a prearrangement including the sub's information.

* ABSENCE CREATED BY ADMINISTRATOR: We also noticed that a good portion of Failed to Fill absences are input by the site's Sub Coordinator rather than the employee. That said, it then follows that a considerable amount of a morning's call out period was a missed opportunity. Please remind your employees as to how to input absences so that the call outs can begin as soon as possible.
Thank you again for your time and support. We hope that these observations when shared will be useful and will ultimately result in your absences being filled in an efficient and timely manner. 

Pamela S. Hensdale, SPHR
Manager, Human Resources

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thursday MM - Day 3

Good Morning!

I am writing this before heading to Hanes to see their STEM night.  What do you think a STEM night should look and feel like? 

On the magnet front - We have accepted all 50 Kindergarten and 18 First grade applicants to our STEM magnet program for the 2012-13 school year.  If we keep our current kindergarten class into the first grade, we can grow from 3.5 to 4 sections.  AND if we can keep the majority of the 50 new kindergarten students with 40+ residential students we will have 4 sections of Kindergarten.  Growth is a data point that indicates success in our magnet implementation.  Keep thinking like an engineer and integrate the design process into your lessons as often as you can!

Kathy and Olga are at the ACCESS training today and will return on Friday.  Speaking of Friday - Andy, Cindy and Demarie will represent Brunson and our PBIS program as we receive recognition from the state as an EXEMPLAR PROGRAM. 

Thanks for the efforts on the report cards.  I will be reading in classrooms today on my laptop to review and check for accuracy. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wednesday MM

Report Cards reminders:
  • Due dates K-2

An electronic version of the K-2 report card should be e-mailed to Kathy (TBE & 2nd) or Andy (Kindergarten & 1st) before the end of the day on Thursday January 26th.  Report cards are to be distributed on Tuesday January 31st.

  • Due dates 3-5 

All NC WISE marks shall be posted and finalized for the 2nd quarter before 8am on Thursday January 26th.  Damita will  do her magic and produce a PDF for me to review, then we will print page one.  An electronic version of Page 2 should be e-mailed to me (Jeff) before the end of the day on Thursday January 26th.  I will review for accuracy and print. Report cards are to be distributed on Tuesday January 31st.

The Magnet Lottery is tonight at 4pm.  We are after Downtown and Moore, so expect to hear our list 30 minutes into the presentation.

SIT will continue tonight without my presence.  Be prepared to delve into the data that supports our goals, including EOQ data from second quarter. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tuesday MM

Good Morning!

I trust you all had a learning experience at day two of our CCES training.  I am looking forward to no snow days and getting the February 20th RC day of training to finish up  the initial 18 hours. 

I have a meeting today with Dr. Morrison, David Snapp and Steve Oates to determine our next step for the magnet process.  We have 74 kindergarten applicants!  Each of you should be PROUD that we can attract families based on our first year of implementation of the STEM and EIE.  Families can see that we are growing in our delivery of curriculum and always put children's needs first. 

Here is a recent communication I received about the pay issue for August
1. Teacher Payment Changes – The following item appeared in the Jan. 13 Teachers’ Biweekly Message: The new year brings a number of changes in North Carolina law, some involving public schools. One significant change for teachers is the law change that ended the option of paying teachers an entire month’s pay in the August paycheck. Instead, as you know, local education agencies are required to pay only for time actually worked. This means the August paycheck for most teachers will be a fraction of what they are used to seeing. On the other end of the year, teachers will be receiving a check in June for time worked in that month. Most teachers are not used to receiving a check in June. The exception to this is teachers who work 11 or 12 months.
Several groups, including the State Board of Education, NC Department of Public Instruction, NC School Boards Association, NC Association of School Administrators and NC Association of Educators requested some technical corrections in the new law, but these were not made. So, for now, the only compliant option is to provide partial payment at the end of August (for days worked in August only) and full payment at the end of September (for all days worked in September).
The new legal requirements do not allow the delay of teachers’ first payment until the end of September and will not result in any change in pay rates or annual amount of pay for teachers.

SIT meeting Wednesday to review our Goals and the data associated.  We have Blue Diamond and will delve into that while we await the MOY DIBELS for the next SIT meeting.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday MM, Day 6

Is anyone else feeling spoiled by these short weeks? Don't forget that the CCES training is Monday. Be. present so that you can bring back valuable information for your peers.

As curricula are changing grade levels, you may have some material needs or excesses. Please share those with me (Kathy) so that I can work to get available resources in the right hands.

The schedule for Tuesday the 24th (and the next 9 weeks) is in the Staff Share folder, and posted on the bulletin board. There will also be a copy in your box today.

Reminder: e-mail cleanliness/custodial concerns to Jeff.

Bibi Coyne (parent) has done several mock-ups of our lobby as we test out ideas. Though the final product may look different, I thought you would enjoy seeing the direction we're headed. If you see her, be sure to say thanks for volunteering her time and talents. The pdf wouldn't fit here, so it's in the folder S:\StaffShare\Blog Documents.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thursday MM

Good Morning!

Stuff from TAC:
  • Click on the hot link to see the Common Cents issue regarding the pay shift for the fall of 2012. (no check until the middle of September!)
  • Our new paint has created a "staple-free" zone for our molding that we can hang student work.  Let's keep it neat and clean as we begin to put art-work back on the walls.
  • Peanut-Free tables in the Cafe need to be cleaned with a cloth between each class use!  The only food that is allowed at these two tables are the personal home-packed lunch of the student with the peanut allergy, or a school lunch (certified peanut-free).  All other students who bring their lunch may not sit at the peanut-free table as we have no method to determine if their lunch is peanut-free.
  • I have had a conversation with our custodians and I request that you send me an e-mail with your cleaning concerns.  I will hand these directly to Mr. Guerra and he will address your concerns.
  • The Paint crew will touch up some mobile units Monday and then be done.  If you have any outstanding paint concerns, please e-mail me today so we can have them addressed before they leave for the next 7-10 years.
Thanks to Andy, Julie, Stephanie, Officer Basco & all the leaders and contributors to our open space faculty meeting.

A reminder that all students will be directed to Breakfast or Class at 7:50 Friday as we will have our WatchDOGS/All-Pro Dads breakfast in the Cafe.  Please be in your room and ready for students by 7:50 Friday morning.

We are saddened by the loss of our friend and colleague, Michael Shore, who passed away January 11, 2012.  Michael was our interim cafeteria manager in 2009 and after leaving Brunson he continued to serve the students of WSFCS as the manager of the Carver High School cafeteria.   The arrangements for his service are:

Saturday, January 21, 2012
Wake - 11:30am - 12:00pm at Douthit Funeral Home
Service - immediately to follow at 12:00pm at Douthit Funeral Home located at 4655 Brownsboro Road, Winston Salem, 27106.

Wednesday MM

Good Morning!  Here is a post from Andy with an outline for our Open Space Faculty meeting today. 

3:20 - All together in MC:
Brunson's Best
Linnea - STEM Week
Stephanie - tech update
3:45 Break out to Open Space
(Don't forget to use your two feet!)

Session: Recorder/ discussion starter:

1. K-2 and EiE (kits, activities, etc.)
Nicole Lodoño Rm. 4

2. Funding for STEM activities (more, any)
BJ Moore Rm. 8

3. How do I represent Brunson as a STEM school to the community? How do we explain to the larger community what we are doing as a STEM school?
Lauren Saldana Rm. 6

4. How can we decide which smaller challenges will be grade level specific?
Michele Gray Rm. 3

5. How can various careers be emphasized or highlighted through STEM & EiE?
Tanya Grisette Rm. 1

Open space Goals:
Wednesday is our day. We will have a chance to return to this Open Space arena and see what's there. I'm excited for the opportunity to be engaged and energized by our interactions.

Last time we Open Spaced, we discussed in our small groups different topics about STEM. Our facilitator/ recorders posted the notes on the shared drive (S Drive> Open Space Tech.> STEM > topic).  This week we will return to those topics and decide what needs to be done, what will be done, and how it will get done. Plan on attending a session and help make it a meaningful, useful activity.
Again we will:
1- decide what needs to be done
2 - decide what will get done
3 - decide how (give me a name or names) who, when.

Below is a list of guiding principles I found that are helpful

1. Whoever comes is the right people ...reminds participants that they don't need the CEO and 100 people to get something done, you need people who care. And, absent the direction or control exerted in a traditional meeting, that's who shows up in the various breakout sessions of an open-space meeting.

2. Whenever it starts is the right time ...reminds participants that "spirit and creativity do not run on the clock."

3. Wherever it happens is the right place. ...reminds participants that space is opening everywhere all the time. Please be conscious and aware. – Tahrir Square is one famous example.

4. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have ...reminds participants that once something has happened, it's done—and no amount of fretting, complaining or otherwise rehashing can change that. Move on.

5. When it's over, it's over ...reminds participants that we never know how long it will take to resolve an issue, once raised, but that whenever the issue or work or conversation is finished, move on to the next thing. Don't keep rehashing just because there's 30 minutes left in the session. Do the work, not the time.

Abide the Law of Two Feet:
Owen explains his one "Law," called the "law of two feet" or "the law of mobility", as follows: If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, go someplace else. In this way, all participants are given both the right and the responsibility to maximize their own learning and contribution, which the Law assumes only they, themselves, can ultimately judge and control. When participants lose interest and get bored in a breakout session, or accomplish and share all that they can, the charge is to move on, the "polite" thing to do is going off to do something else. In practical terms, Owen explains, the Law of Two Feet says: "Don't waste time!"

Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesday MM

Good Morning! 

Day three today on our shortened specials schedule.  In the blog documents folder on the "S'" drive, you will find a DRAFT of the Jan 24 - Mar 29 specials schedule.  DO NOT Print. as there will be a few adjustments before the final version is ready at the faculty meeting Wednesday. Stephanie will have a portion of our meeting Wednesday to update us on laptop deployment.  Let's all try to be in the media center by 3:20, Wednesday for our Open Space faculty meeting.

I am happy to announce that Mr. Jay Wise, the 1st Principal of Brunson in 1959, will be on campus Wednesday.  He is an invited lunch guest of Kate, a fourth grade student with whom he shares a church home.  We have a rich history and I am honored to be creating new stories with you for the community we serve.

Other calendar events this week include; a TAC meeting Tuesday after school, Magnet tours on Tuesday at 9am and Thursday at 11:45, a watchDOGS/all-pro dads breakfast event on Friday.  This event will be in the cafeteria/gym and we ask that students report to class at 7:50, so please be in your rooms ready for students 15 minutes earlier this Friday.

Below is some information from a newsletter about STEM.

STEM Announcements
Webinar Scheduled - The NCDPI in collaboration with NC STEM will host a STEM Webinar on Thursday, Jan. 26, from 10-11 a.m. The webinar will focus on a new service for North Carolina schools called the NC STEM Learning Network. This webinar is designed to elaborate on STEM tools, resources and professional development programs for schools, school systems and programs. To register, please visit . After you register, you will receive an email message with participation instructions. For more information contact Tina Marcus at or 919/807-3423.

- Invitation to join the NC STEM Learning Network -
The NCDPI is now accepting applications for schools and school systems interested in joining the NC STEM Learning Network. The NC STEM Learning Network’s purpose is to connect schools and school systems with national and state organizations committed to advancing science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Network members will have access to best practices through technology tools, professional development opportunities, on-line convening’s and webinars.
Application review process is now open. First round of application reviews are being accepted through March 1. Individual schools or school systems can apply at .
The NCDPI is working with the NC STEM and other partners to develop and manage the NC STEM Learning Network. For additional information, contact Rebecca Payne at or Tina Marcus at

- STEM Conference Announcement -
Join North Carolina educators and students with leaders from business and government from across the nation sharing strategies to implement STEM practices and demonstrate STEM’s impact in the community. Registration is now open for Scaling STEM: Transforming Education Matters. Please visit to register. This conference will be held April 16-18 at the Sheraton Imperial. For more information, contact Tina Marcus at or Linsey Dyson at ldyson.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday MM - Day 2

Good EOQ Morning!

Specials begin at 10:30 on the EOQ schedule pending completion of the test.  Please be sure to pick up your class from specials 25 minutes after the scheduled start time. 

I have heard a few "sliding" stories and look forward to having some rich conversations about our use of data.

Lynn Vernon for Karen Smith PM only
Jennifer Fisher for Earline
No sub for Andy pm only

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thursday MM - Day 1 (one)

Good Morning!

Thanks to the SIT for taking the time and effort to THINK.  I want for our SIT to become the forum where we can approach tough subjects and have informed debate on the value of our efforts.  Next time we meet, we will dig through EOQ and DIBELS data to determine if our SIP addresses our response to data.  Way back when, I had a wake-up call  to my response to my second year at RJR I was "recruited" to coach slow pitch softball in the year before the switch to fast pitch.  I was a placeholder coach on a team that had not won 10 total games in the previous three years.  So after a lopsided loss to North Davidson, we came to practice the next day, and of course to make matters worse, it was raining.  So I decided to have the girls practice sliding.  Coach West laughed so hard at me later that day as he said, "You lost 25 to nothing and never got a runner on base, and the next day you practice sliding?"  "I got an Idea, why don't you practice catching the ball?"  I was pleasant in my response and realized that my decision to slide was based on wanting the girls to have fun and play in the rain.  Very short sighted and only solved the problem for that particular day.  I knew then that for us to feel better after our next game, we needed to improve our hitting and fielding, and our practices must focus on that goal.  In our elementary world we make decisions everyday that are for immediate solutions to problems.  Let's all be intentional with our teaching and focus on the needs of each and every student.

Now what does this have to do with SIT, EOQ and DIBELS?  You tell me.  I look forward to hearing your connections to my "story" as I am in the building on Friday.  Why not Thursday?  Well, I have a elementary principals meeting until noon and then PTA board at 1pm.  So if you can catch me Thursday after-school we can discuss your theory on my rambling.

Enjoy the day!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wednesday MM - Day 6

Good Morning!
EOQ Test information and updates on AIG services

EOQ Updates:
We will begin EOQ tests this Friday, starting with Reading. Tuesday is Math CI (first 12 questions) and Wednesday is Math CA. Specialists will be testing, so please follow the abbreviated specials schedule (in blog documents and posted on the board). No proctors are needed for this round.

I realize that some LTM and CCES module meetings will need to be rescheduled due to the schedule.  I am working on that this morning and will communicate changes on Thursday.  Also remember that Specials are 25 minutes!  Example, if 5th starts at 10:30, pick up at 10:55 so the next class can arrive at 11:00 and have a prepared specialist.

When testing, please remember:
* You should pass out tests at 8:30. Students in accommodation group settings must be picked up before then.
* You may keep tests/answer sheets in your rooms until Wednesday. Make sure they are out of sight.
* The data we get from EOQs is only as good as the input. Please monitor students to be sure they are on the correct side, not offline, etc.
* Our accommodation groups have changed since first quarter! please be aware and instill confidence in kids before we begin this Friday.

End of quarter testing, though important, should not replace reading and math instruction. Please be sure you have at least 75 minutes for Lang Arts and Math (each) scheduled daily for that week. If 1 or 2 students are holding up the rest of the group, inquire with Kathy to determine if they can finish on the stage.

The new program specialist for AIG and Single School Culture is Ms. Paula Wilkins. You may be familiar with her work as a high school social studies teacher at Carver, but most recently for her leadership with Single School Culture for Academics.  Ms. Wilkins graduated from NC Central. She holds a masters degree from Wake Forest and is completing her doctoral studies at Garner-Webb.

Ms. Wilkins has begun to assume the day-to-day leadership of the AIG program - including identification, communication with parents, professional development, curriculum, IB, AP exam fees, and Governor's School.
I will assist Ms. Wilkins with many of the processes already in progress for this school year, However, please direct your day-to-day questions to her.  I remain responsible for the big picture of AIG; however, I am confident in Ms. Wilkins' abilities to serve you and our students and lead the AIG program.  She will begin to do learning walks in AIG classrooms soon. Please introduce yourself and welcome her to the AIG team!

Best wishes for the New Year.  Fondly, Bud

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tuesday MM - Day 5

Good Morning!  I am at a Joint principals meeting this morning.  Enjoy the magnet tour at 9am.

Report Cards reminders and improvements:
  • Due dates K-2

An electronic version of the K-2 report card should be e-mailed to Kathy (TBE & 2nd) or Andy (Kindergarten & 1st) before the end of the day on Thursday January 26th.  Report cards are to be distributed on Tuesday January 31st.

  • Due dates 3-5 

All NC WISE marks shall be posted and finalized for the 2nd quarter before 8am on Thursday January 26th.  Damita will  do her magic and produce a PDF for me to review, then we will print page one.  An electronic version of Page 2 should be e-mailed to me (Jeff) before the end of the day on Thursday January 26th.  I will review for accuracy and print. Report cards are to be distributed on Tuesday January 31st.

We will have two report card work sessions in the computer lab for 3-5 teachers to collaborate and and problem solve. 
Tuesday, January 17th, facilitated by Betty Jo Moore  Thursday, January 19th, facilitated by Demarie Anderson

  • Improvements for K-2
Interventions/Enrichment section for narrative 
Note:  Examples of comments for this section include

"Eric is receiving small group instruction in phonics and decoding skills.  Please continue to work with him at home to practice his sight words and read his
take-home books."
"I am working with Axel to write complete sentences describing his environment. Please work with him to verbally say or write sentences about items at home and his community."

This section is focused on what the teacher is doing to intervene and enrich each child.  Please refrain from generic comments and specify that you know that child.

Spanish Comments should be in this section if the report card is in Spanish.

On a related paperwork note, it is that time of year to do the PDP Mid Year Review on all certified teachers, I just want to remind you of a couple of things.  Both the teacher and administrator have editing privileges to complete section C: Evidence of Progress toward specific standards.  Andy and I would like for each of you to have reflected on your goals and know what we need to type into this section  You may want to enter the data into that section before we meet.  Only the teacher may type comments into section D: Narrative prior to the administrator signing. Once Andy or Jeff signs the form it is locked from editing.  Our intent is to meet with each teacher in the weeks of January 30-February 9th, and complete the mid term review together.

no sub for Maria Cook
Jennifer fisher for Earline
We are waiting on Almudena to return from Spain.  If she is not here today, Andy will do his best to arrange an alternate special.  Snaps to Mrs. Grisette for dealing with it so professionally on Monday.

Monday MM - Day 4

Good Morning!

Thanks to the staff who volunteered their time at the magnet fair.  We had many families interested in our school and it felt great.  Be proud of what you do to promote and engage students as we help them develop 21st century skills for their future.

Magnet tours this week are Tuesday at 9am & Thursday at 11:45

SAT meeting today along w/ Journalism club and Battle of the Books.

PBIS meeting Tuesday and I have a Joint principals meeting.

SIT meeting will be at 3:20 Wednesday.

Thursday I have an Elementary Principals meeting.

Quarter tests begin Friday.  Please create plans to continue Literacy and Math instruction during the quarter testing window.  This can be a disjointed time for adults as we have short weeks coupled with QT and report cards.  Keep focused on what is in the best interest of your students.  

Subs Today
no sub for Silvia pm only
Thelma O'neal for Trish Gulledge
Denise Jennings for Donna McNatt
No sub for Maria Cook

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Magnet reminders

Short week! Thanks to the folks who have already signed up to staff the magnet fair on Saturday. There are still many open slots waiting to be filled:) For those who work:
1. Wear blue mix-it-up t-shirts, slacks (khaki if you have them), and comfortable shoes.
2. Bring a water bottle and snack if you will be there a while.
3. Show your pride in our school with your smile and enthusiasm!

We had our first magnet tour this morning. Thank you for making the families feel welcome (as always).

The spelling bee (4th and 5th grade) is next Tuesday. Kathy needs your rep's name by Monday afternoon.

Come by and see the new and improved stage! All the old textbooks are GONE. There are still some items remaining if you want to look for resources. They will be recycled/thrown out next week if not taken.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thursday MM - Day two

Kindness and Compassion are learned through observation.  Be a role model for our students and each other.

Jennifer Fisher for Earline

Wednesday MM - Day One

Good Morning! 

I am certain that we exercised our best judgment on taking our classes outside yesterday.  The interesting observation is that "our" best judgement is not universal.  Some classes were outside for 30+ minutes, while others shortened their experience or stayed inside.  We base our individual decisions based on our experiences and beliefs about the weather and what we and/or our students can "handle."  Today our "feels like" temp at 9 am is forecast to be 18 degrees, at noon - 29 degrees and warming to a balmy 33 degrees by 3pm.  Based on these numbers I am going to ask each of you to be thoughtful and base your recess decision on what is best for your class.  Maybe you have a young man that always wears shorts or a young lady who only wore a light sweater to school, "sorry class we are not going outside today but don't worry, we will stay inside and have an amazing time!"  If your class is prepared, and by this time in the year you know if they have the group think to enjoy a blustery day, then take them out for 15 minutes. 

Bottom Line;

1. Make decisions that you can live with
2. Make decisions that are in the best interest of your class.
3.  If the "Feels like" temperature is under 32 - reduce outside time to under 15 minutes. 

Today at our faculty meeting we will explore the powerful story of Rachel Clark and discuss our magnet recruitment period. 

Now that we have talked about weather and magnet school concerns, I want to shift them on the back burner and encourage us to focus on CORE instruction that engages our students in their academic development.  Covey said it well, "Keep the main thing, the main thing."

Rosemary Hazy for Earline

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tuesday MM - Day 6

Happy New Year! 

I trust you all had an excellent holiday and are ready to engage our students in new learning!  Our CCES development continues with Module one/two sharing sessions during our LTM schedule this month.  We will all participate in the next discipline specific district training on Monday January 23rd.  Let's continue to focus our energies to increase our capacity to deliver great instruction.

Our window of opportunity for the magnet enrollment begins now and ends on Friday, January 20th.  With our residential kindergarten population expected to be under 50 students, we are actively recruiting 15 magnet and 5 zone choice kindergarten students. 

Tours for Kindergarten will occur;
Thursdays, January 5th, January 12th or January 19th

Tuesdays, January 10th or January 17th

We will also participate and recruit at our WSFCS Magnet Fair at Benton CC - Saturday, January 7th from 10:00-2:00.  A sign-up for staff willing to work the fair  will be circulated at our faculty meeting this Wednesday.

New lobby furniture was delivered and we are working to create a "fresh" look for all who enter our front door. Thanks to the PTA for providing the funds for this vital project.

Outside Recess should be eliminated/shortened when the temperature and wind create below freezing conditions.  Today is such a day.  I will get clarification on our WSFCS regulation this morning as I know many of you want your kids to have that energy release that they need to stay focused academically.