Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday MM - September 26th

Good Morning!

Mary Jane Matherson for Paige Sipe pm only
Cynthia Hodges for Demarie Anderson
No sub for Kathy Wilheit
Natalie Newman for Robin Phelps pm only
Willie Carson for Bobbie Robinson
No sub yet for Sara Davis

Teachers and Staff,

As we all know, academics are extremely important for the success of our students.
However, their involvement in extracurriculars/clubs is also necessary to make them well-rounded as well as complement the knowledge you provide them.

This is why the PTA is asking for your help in providing meeting places for the clubs.  As you probably know, spaces for meetings are limited and a few hours in your classroom would give them a safe, convenient place to meet. Please assist us in making our clubs flourish!

We are currently compiling a list of possible meeting places for clubs to meet after school. Be aware volunteering your classroom does NOT obligate you to participate in the club itself.   If you are interested or have any questions please contact Martine Silver, PTA Club Coordinator at

Speaking of clubs - From Deb Fidali;

  • We had a great turnout with kids wanting to participate in Odyssey of the Mind,​ a program well suited for a STEM school. However, we don't have enough coaches to field teams for the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade teams. I have teams grouped by interests and OM Problems and some folks who are willing to co-coach but need reliable others to coach and inspire. The kids solve proscribed problems, coming up with their own unique solutions. We have materials to use for Spontaneous problem solving (some are like STEM challenges, some verbal) and coaching manuals. I will support anyone willing to try this by providing all of the assistance that I can. I can take on coaching one of the teams but I need 3 coaches (supported by parent co-coaches) and a teacher to co-coach with a strong, experienced, parent who can make 60 - 75% of the meetings.
  • From now until January, the time expectation is 2 hours a week, one night after school. The preparation expected is to use the prepared materials and to use your skills at team-building followed by your skills at being a moderator. The ideas, materials and responsibility for completion is the students', under your guidance. You guide the process of winnowing ideas down to their final thoughts. You assist them in preparing a working script (and editing is along the way). Being a teacher allows you to exert the discipline and order that you like onto the process. There is a strong hands-on, experiential, component that requires the students to do the work themselves. A parent co-coach handled that part for me when I coached. The construction of sets, scenery, should also take place in a student's home, supervised by the co-coach. The Art room may be used with advance permission from Ms. Sanders, provided that the room is left in good shape. Materials are provided by the team. 
  • February and the beginning of March require a larger commitment of time when teams are typically meeting twice a week (maybe more for building).
  • We are all busy, some of us way more than others, certainly. I am asking if you would consider taking on this opportunity to see kids grow as collaborative learners.

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