Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday MM Day THREE (3)

Good Morning!

Let's start with subs:
Denise Jennings for Anne Campbell
Crystal Rook for Stephanie Smith
Willie Mae Carson for Earline Richardson

Faculty meeting on Wednesday with our Flexible Benefits representative.

From the Theme Team - Classroom teachers, remember to expect a visit from 5th-grade students one morning this week. They will give a brief promotional talk about the October 13 PTA event:
Brunson International Dinner and Stem Design Challenge.
This should take no longer than 5 minutes. They will explain why they are dressed in international costumes and tell when-where-what about the evening. Afterwards, please talk with your students about how they can create a "costume" from things they have at home and explain that strict authenticity is not required. We appreciate your help in encouraging everyone to participate in our new STEM version of a Brunson favorite event! Remember, this is a no-homework evening for students.
~ The Theme Team

From PTA Grounds - Thank you so much to all of you for helping with the Brunson Grounds Beautification workday and the Big Sweep creek clean-up. We had 70 volunteers, more than double the size of any other Big Sweep team in the city! You all collected about 25 bags of trash from the creek and the grounds, and also did a huge amount of work on the grounds - raking, planting flowers, weeding, etc. It looks wonderful!
Colleen Lopina

We also represented ourselves well at the GO EXPO. GREAT job by the Green Team to promote sustainable living in our school environment.

Today begins Bully Prevention Month.  We started with a Walk at central office on Saturday and will continue all Month with announcements and activities.

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