Monday, February 4, 2013

Tuesday MM - Day E

Good Morning!

I am at the Joint Principals meeting today and will stay late to attend an informational session for Systems Thinking with Bud Harrelson.  As always, the agenda is posted in the Blog documents folder in the staff shared drive.

In two days of doing our CWT's focused on the EQ, Andy and I have had deep and rich conversations about curriculum and standards.  We hope the same is true for your LTM and grade level meetings.

See you all in the afternoon.  

FYI - I have attached a process used by some schools for their SIP review.  I need for all the SIT members to look over this and be prepared to think critically about our process and desired outcomes.

February SIP Review Process

Here is the outline of the expectations for this round of SIP review meetings.

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of the SIP strategies and actions steps towards meeting the SIP goals.

Process: Are your strategies working? Due to time constraints it is not possible to look at objective data for each action step for each strategy. Please follow these steps to organize your meeting

1. Your team needs to demonstrate that each strategy is being implemented. If, for example, the goal is to improve reading and one of the strategies is to form small group support to students then you might want to show that those groups have been formed. What data/information can you show that the strategy is being implemented? 

2. Do not report on ALL action steps. Instead, give a general report on the implementation of your action steps. Did they work as planned? Did you modify those steps?

3. In the end the hope is that the strategy is or has been effective. What data can you report that shows or suggests that the strategy is taking you towards your goal?

4. Identify your next steps towards SIP implementation. Time: This meeting should last between 45 minutes and an hour. 

Note: This is a new process but it is imperative that this remain a review process and NOT an audit process. Show and talk about your data. It is very possible that some strategies have not been effective or that some action steps did not play out as expected. Be sure to have some evidence (as outlined above) prepared. The format (e.g., PowerPoint, data sheets) does not matter.

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